Thermal Processing School Nov. 5-7, 2024

Thermal Processing Workshop
November 5 – 7, 2024
A first of its kind program, The Thermal Processing Workshop takes an in-depth, comprehensive, and interactive approach to understanding all aspects of thermal processing for meat and poultry products. Participants will learn from national and internationally recognized speakers with engineering, food safety, and meat processing backgrounds allowing a full spectrum understanding about the science and art of thermal processing.
People involved in the meat industry with an array of roles (e.g., quality, safety, supervisory, etc.) from all backgrounds (e.g., processer, supplier, regulator, etc.) and levels of thermal processing experience levels of can benefit from this program.
• How do ovens work?
• Smoking – Science and Practice
• How do processes work?
• Developing & Optimizing Thermal Processes
• Achieving Process Lethality
• Troubleshooting
• Appendix A & B
• In-Plant Demonstrations
• Group Activities to develop and optimize
cooking processes
• And so much more!

The registration fee is $1,400/person. The registration includes course materials & handouts, drinks and snacks provided throughout the program, lunch each day, an evening reception, and transportation between the DoubleTree Hilton Downtown Madison and MSABD Building.
Register today at:
Registration fees increase to $1450/person after October 1!

Click here from more information:  Thermal Processing Workshop Flyer_8.13.2024 (1)

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