2025 WAMP Student Liaison Application

The Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors (WAMP) is a trade organization, which has the sole purpose of working for the benefit of meat processing firms throughout Wisconsin, as well as the businesses that provide goods or services to the meat processing sector. This association, with its enviable record of accomplishments, speaks effectively for independent meat plant operators in the regulatory agencies and in the state legislature. The association hosts an excellent convention and trade show annually in April with workshops, educational sessions, trade show and the WI Specialty Cured Meat Championships.

In 2021, the WAMP Board of Directors created the position of Student Liaison to encourage student participation in the organization and promote engagement with Wisconsin Universities and Colleges. The position is for a one-year appointment, including attendance at the annual convention in April, which provides a transition between past and newly appointed student liaisons.

Eligibility and Term: Successful candidates will be enrolled at a Wisconsin University or College and be a registered student member (in good standing) of WAMP at the time of application and for the duration of their appointment (1-year).

Role: The role of the student liaison will be to: 1) share with the Board of Directors their ideas for increasing student participation in WAMP, coordinate with other student organizations in the state, and encourage attendance at the annual convention; 2) assist, as needed, in committees and subcommittees related to career development, communication, and convention planning; 3) support the executive secretary and other board members in facilitating events at the annual convention. The successful candidate will attend Board of Directors meetings in the year elected and will provide brief reports at these meetings.

Support: The successful candidate will receive a complimentary hotel room (if residing more than 50 miles from the venue) on the Friday and Saturday night of the annual convention to allow their attendance at events Friday through Sunday. They will also receive reimbursement for travel costs, up to $500 each year.

Application Process: Please provide the following:

  • A cover letter providing details concerning your status in your degree program (e.g., years in program and expected graduation)
  • A resume or CV (max 2 pages)
  • A short essay (500 words or fewer) indicating what you value as a student member of WAMP and how you would promote student membership and involvement
  • A letter of support from one advisor regarding leadership potential

Applications must be received no later than March 16th, 2025. Email your Cover letter, CV, and essay as a SINGLE pdf to: Dianne Handsaker at [email protected]. Your advisor’s letter should be emailed directly to Dianne as well.

Evaluation and Decisions: Applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee of WAMP Board members and current student liaison. Decisions will be confirmed by the WAMP Board of Directors and recipients will be notified by March 31st. The successful applicant will be recognized at the WAMP Business meeting at the annual convention.

Download PDF of Application Rules

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