2024 Trade Show Information
We invite you to participate in the convention of the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors on April 12-14, 2024, in Middleton, Wisconsin. It will be held in the spacious Marriott.
Please return your membership dues, sponsorship, and advertising with payment no later the March 1, 2024, online at www.wi-amp.com.
Please complete your dues, exhibit space, advertising, scholarship fund donation, sponsorship, and electrical, ONLINE AT www.wi-amp.com. Contact the WAMP office (info below) if you prefer a copy be mailed to you. You must be a paid member of the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors and all booth charges must be paid prior to assignment.
Exhibit space will be sold in 10 x 8 ft. increments, each at $450.00, except that the booths adjoining the concession area will be $500.00 each. However, even if you request a booth adjoining the concession area, please send in only $450.00 for each booth with your exhibit space reservation. If we are able to meet your request and assign you one or more such booths, you will be billed the extra $50.00/booth at the time of the convention.
There will be no split footage. One table with cloth; two chairs and a booth identification sign will be furnished. We will notify Valley Expo, 495 American Road, Rockford, IL 61109, phone: 815-873-1500 or 877-332-4292 to send you a packet with the information you will need about unloading.
Electrical hookup is available by request only and will be charged according to needs. Please reserve your electrical needs when registering your booth at www.wi-amp.com.
NEW FOR 2024-The Trade Show floor plan is drastically different than years past. Please complete the Booth Reservation Form on which you may mark your first, second, third, etc. preference. Assignments of booths is finalized during March and many factors are used to effect a proper and fair booth arrangement. Booths will be assigned with preference given to sponsors, date booths are reserved, requests, and not placing competitors next to each other. The number of booths requested also play a role in arriving at the final exhibit hall layout.
Your payment of exhibit space will include free registration of two persons/booth space. Each additional person will be $35.00 each for registration at the convention.
Free Day Pass: Please contact the WAMP office for a form to complete to sponsor a new processor with a free 1 day pass to the exhibit hall only (a badge is still required).
AGAIN THIS YEAR – For each booth purchased by a company, a drawing card will be placed in a raffle drum. At the Suppliers Meeting at 7:30 a.m., April 13, in the Exhibit Hall, the company’s card that is drawn will get a certificate for free advertising in “Meating Place”. In order to win, your application for a booth must be received by the Secretary’s office on or before March 1, 2024 and you must be present at the Suppliers Meeting at the time of the drawing.
Meeting and Breakfast – The Supplier Meeting and Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 13– 7:30-8:15 am with the Operator Breakfast to follow at 8:15-9:00 am in Exhibit Hall. The exhibits will officially open at 8:30 am.
SET UP TIME: Thursday, April 11: Noon to 6:00 pm & Friday, April 12: 7:00 am -11:00 am Everyone Please Be Set Up On Time!
EXHIBIT HOURS: Friday, April 12: Noon – 5:00 pm & Saturday, April 13 – 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Tear down after 1:00 pm on Saturday.
Send your reservation in before March 1, 2024.
Sincerely, Dianne Handsaker, Executive Secretary
P.S. You must make your own room reservations with Marriott by March 1, 2024.
Hotel Reservations
Hotel reservation information will be available soon! Check back in the near future for the latest info.
If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.